Our World

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Your love is intoxicating…
Each touch, each kiss, each look. 
I drink you in - not wanting down off this high
It's our world…everyone disappears but us
Clear sunny skies fill even the darkest days
Smiles, laughter and gayness fill every hour
Support, caring and acceptance fill each moment

Our world is a place of beauty
Where birds praise us in chorus
And time offers to stand still.
We walk freely with no judgement or pretense
It's a place no one can visit
It stays hidden when we're apart
Our world exists within you and me
It's the place where we're free…to just be


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Here, with the sun on my face, there’s just no other place
Where the warmth brings a glow and flush to my cheeks,
And each breeze leaves me drunk with contentment.
I greedily consume each moment with deep breaths
Filling my lungs until they can store no more then
I imagine that I am lying along a sandy shore.

Gazing at the sky leaves me hypnotized.
The glare of the rays seem angelic and surreal and
I can’t help but to feel immersed within my own utopia.
Where nature’s melody of chirping birds ground me to a reality
Where everything is still and there is nothing but peace and harmony,
From the swaying Magnolias and dogwoods down to budding tulip tips.

Joyous companionship, stimulating conversation and toasting of glasses
Fill local patios as friends all gather and share wholehearted laughter.
Hours start to fly with no care as to why, as the sun begins to fade
Problems emancipate and happiness seems the only common fate
While tunes fill the background creating the ideal soundtrack
Do you like Pina Coladas in Margaritaville Buffet style?

A mini stay-cation; a form of release…
It’s that perfect tranquility of a spring day haze
That makes you long for a time of much simpler days.
Where worries are neglected and positive sentiments radiate
And you feel as light as the petals that drift up and down the streets.
For me, there is no better time than when I can smile and say…Spring is finally here.

Just Shake It Out!

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Good Gone Bad

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Ever wonder how seeing the good in someone before they do can leave you feeling silly or stupid?

Having faith in someone or putting your trust in someone is a great thing. It is a brave thing to do and yet if they do no respond in a positive way…if in return they show a side that is untrustworthy or not loyal then we are left feeling like the failure? Why is that?

“When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.” -William Arthur Ward

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An Open Letter of Thanks

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This is not intended to be a poem so it shouldn't be read that way.  It's just an open letter to a friend that means a lot to me that I felt the need to put it in writing...or at least try to...though I haven't shared with them yet.

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I Fly

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This was written in loving memory of Jamie Senior 12-4-12.  

You will forever be adored, loved and missed.

Wishing to fly
This painful grasp holds me tight
I'm chained to this spot, the same spot
never changing or growing - though I keep fighting
Now I'm sinking down into my soul until there's nothing left
I hit the floor and the only place left to look is up, how did I get here?

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But I'm a Good Person...

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I'm not a bad person…

For some of us that's the thought that follows so many questions such as Why me? How could they? Why would they?

You are not a bad person, you are positive, you treat others well and expect it in return, but the fact is that none of that matters - not to those who wrong you. It doesn't matter whether or not you are a good person.  Whether or not you wouldn't do something to someone - it doesn't stop them from doing to you. 

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